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(as of July 4, 2024)
Archive video
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Overview of the event
Female Governors & Mayors from all over Japan, female ambassadors, and female executives gather to promote the active participation of women throughout Japan.
Vision Network by Female Governors and Mayors will provide the opportunities to share activities to boost women's success, and together with active female emtrepreneurs , female experts and female ambassadors exchange opinions and informations on the organization management and the regional vitalization from a female perspective.
Viewing method
To view the Vision Network by Female Governors and Mayors Conference Click the "Click here to viewing page" button.
Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
H.E. Ms. Lina ANNAB
Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria
H.E.Ms. Marieta Arabadjieva
Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia
H.E. Mrs. Aleksandra KOVAČ
Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda
H.E. Ms. KAAHWA Tophace
Ambassador of the Republic of Finland
Chairman, Shizuoka Prefecture Fukuroi Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Managing Director, Maruo Kosho Co., Ltd.
Hiroko Toyoda
Graduate School of Management, Nagoya University of Commerce & Business Professor
Yuriko Sawatani
IBM Japan Co., Ltd. Director and Executive Officer
IBM Japan Digital Services Co., Ltd. Representative Director and PresidentHiromi Inoue
Work-Life Balance Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President
Yoshie Komuro
Mentor For Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President
Masako Ikehara
Forbes JAPAN Executive Officer Web Editorial Department Editor-in-Chief
Yuka Tanimoto
Economic journalist
President of Swing-by creation, Inc. and representative of InnovediaYuko Uchida
NHK Radio Late Night Interviewer/
Representative Director of Meridian Promotion Co., Ltd.Mariko Ushikubo
International journalist, bilingual MC, NHK World radio news desk
Tomoko Omura
Director of the NPO Gender Action Platform
Asako Osaki
Overseas female minister
Overseas female mayor
Keynote addresses
Female Executives
- 13:30
Opening and Introduction of Participating Chiefs
- 13:32
Introducing the attending chiefs
- 13:39
Opening remarks
Governor of Tokyo Yuriko Koike
Governor of Yamagata Prefecture Mieko Yoshimura
Japan-Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Ken Kobayashi
Governor of Tokyo Yuriko Koike
- 13:54
message of support①
- Austrian Federal Chancellery Minister for the European Union and Constitution H.E. Ms. Karoline Edtstadler
- 13:58
message of support②
- Mayor of Los Angeles Karen Bass
- 14:00
Keynote addresses ①
- Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan H.E. Ms. Lina ANNAB
- 14:15
Keynote addresses ②
- Chancellor of Showa Women’s University Mariko Bando
- 14:45
Panel discussion
Technology and gender equality to promote women's empowerment-
Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria H.E.Ms. Marieta Arabadjieva
Ambassador of the Republic of Finland H.E. Ms. Tanja JÄÄSKELÄINEN
Mayor of Sotogahama Town Yuiko Yamazaki
Mayor of Suginami Ward Satoko Kishimoto
Mayor of Tokushima Sawako Naito
Chairman, Shizuoka Prefecture Fukuroi Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Managing Director, Maruo Kosho Co., Ltd. Hiroko Toyoda
Chancellor of Showa Women’s University Mariko Bando
- Forbes JAPAN Executive Officer Web Editorial Department Chief Editor Yuka Tanimoto
Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria H.E.Ms. Marieta Arabadjieva
Breakout Session ①
Promoting DX will change the way women work-
Mayor of Kita Ward Kanako Yamada
Mayor of Hinode Town Misako Tamura
Mayor of Zama Mito Sato
Mayor of Nagakute Sato Yumi
Mayor of Kotake Town Yoriko Inoue
Graduate School of Management, Nagoya University of Commerce & Business Professor Yuriko Sawatani
IBM Japan Co., Ltd. Director and Executive Officer
IBM Japan Digital Services Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President Hiromi Inoue
Economic journalist
President of Swing-by creation, Inc. and representative of Innovedia
Yuko Uchida
Mayor of Kita Ward Kanako Yamada
Breakout Session ②
Life-work balance for women to shine-
Mayor of Rusutsu Village Hisako Sato
Mayor of Nasukarasuyama Junko Kawamata
Mayor of Nogi Town Hiroko Mase
Mayor of Higashiyamato Hitomi Wachi
Mayor of Suwa Yukari Kaneko
Mayor of Hita Michiko Mukuno
Work-Life Balance Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President Yoshie KomuroOnline
Mentor For Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President Masako Ikehara
- NHK Radio Late Night Interviewer/Representative Director of Meridian Promotion Co., Ltd. Mariko Ushikubo
Mayor of Rusutsu Village Hisako Sato
Breakout Session ③
Towards the realization of a society that respects diverse genders and lives-
Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Mrs. Aleksandra KOVAČ
Mayor of Hasuda Kyoko Yamaguchi
Mayor of Shinagawa Ward Kyoko Morisawa
Mayor of Akashi Satoko Marutani
- International journalist, bilingual MC, NHK World radio news desk Tomoko Omura
Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Mrs. Aleksandra KOVAČ
Breakout Session ④
Aiming for a society that protects women's dignity and pride-
Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda H.E. Ms. KAAHWA Tophace
Mayor of Ohira Village Hiromi Ogawa
Mayor of Tochigi Hideko Okawa
Mayor of Nagatoro Town Takie Osawa
Mayor of Kimitsu Hiroko Ishii
Mayor of Ikeda Tomoko Takizawa
- Director of the NPO Gender Action Platform Asako Osaki
Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda H.E. Ms. KAAHWA Tophace
- 15:45
Declaration announcement
- 15:50
Photo session
- 15:58
Closing remarks
- Governor of Tokyo Yuriko Koike