北群馬郡榛東村 南千晴氏 Mayor of Shinto Village

南千晴 Mayor of Shinto-mura Chiharu Minami

Local government website link

[Date of birth]

Born in Shinto in July 1980

March 2003
Graduated from the Faculty of Regional Policy Studies, Takasaki City University of Economics
April 2007
Elected as a Member of the Shinto Village Council
September 2016
Completed the Master’s Program at Takasaki City University of Economics Graduate School
April 2017
Appointed as Chair of the Shinto Village Council (until April 2021)
April 2019
Appointed as Vice Chair of the Gunma Prefecture Town and Village Council Presidents’ Association (until April 2021)
March 2023
Resigned as a Member of the Shinto Village Council
May 2023
Appointed as Mayor of Shinto Village