倉敷市長 伊東香織氏 Kaori Ito, Mayor of Kurashiki

伊東香織 Mayor of Kurashiki Kaori Ito

Local government website link

[Date of birth]

May 14, 1966 Born in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture

March 1990
Graduated from the Faculty of Law, The University of Tokyo
April 1990
Joined the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (now the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
June 1993
Completed the Master’s Program at Harvard Law School
June 1998
Deputy Director, International Peace Cooperation Headquarters, Prime Minister's Office
July 1999
Assistant Director, Internet Strategy Planning Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
April 2003
Director, General Affairs Bureau, Kurashiki City
July 2004
Treasurer, Kurashiki City
August 2007
Director, Multilateral Economic Affairs Division, International Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
November 2007
Retired from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
May 19, 2008
Appointed as Mayor of Kurashiki City
May 19, 2012
Re-elected as Mayor of Kurashiki City (second term)
May 19, 2016
Re-elected as Mayor of Kurashiki City (third term)
May 19, 2020
Re-elected as Mayor of Kurashiki City (fourth term)
May 19, 2024
Re-elected as Mayor of Kurashiki City (fifth term)